5 Tips to HELP someone with Low Self-Esteem!

Jonathon Crimes
2 min readOct 30, 2020

Hi, Jon here from Mindset Universe and I’m going to tell you how to help someone with low self-esteem and share 5 tips to improve their esteem and confidence right now.

Or, you can watch the video instead HERE.

how to help someone with low self esteem

So what about those 5 tips to help someone with low self-esteem?

Tip 1: Recognize Their Feelings.

When talking to someone with low self-esteem, your natural impulse is probably to counter or deny negative things they say about themselves or the world. …

Don’t do this but instead, be there for them as a friendly hear offering encouragement and positivity.

Tip 2: Change perspective for them!

This isn’t an excuse to be cruel to other people but for example:

If your partner or loved one sees someone and says ‘why can’t I be that skinny/tall etc.’ then just point out that they’re perfect as they are and by the way….have you seen the size of that person's feet?

Tip 3: Don’t walk on eggshells around them

Whilst its important not to be too overbearing around them, if they see someone being assertive, generally feeling good about themselves and the things around them, they might start to do the same.

Tip 4: Be patient

It can sometimes be frustrating when your loved one has very low level of self-esteem and you could quickly become irritated with them.


Try to be extra patient with them and give them the time and space that they need to develop their confidence.

Tip 5: Open up to them…

Let them know that you understand what they’re going through and that you’re there for them.

Got an example of when you lacked confidence or felt nervous? Share it with them.

Knowing they’re not alone in these feelings can really help.

So try these 5 tips and let everyone know if you have any other great ways to help someone with low self-esteem.

By the way, have you checked out the full article on Self-Esteem yet?

The self-esteem ‘superpower’ is my favourite and it surprised me how simple this technique actually is.

Thanks for reading and try not to worry when you don’t have to.



Jonathon Crimes

Hi, Jon here from Mindset Universe. Let me help you to eliminate stress, banish anxiety, get motivated, find gratitude and become a better you today!